Our Worship

When you come to Zion you’ll notice that our worship has an established pattern to it. We worship using the Book of Common Prayer. (bcponline.org) While there is variety within the BCP there is also a very regular framework which shapes our time together. It does not take long to get used to the rhythm of our Sunday services. In many ways our worship resembles the worship of our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic tradition. On the other hand there are significant ways in which we are much more like our Protestant siblings. We are often thought of as a bridge between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. We think that’s not a bad thing. Our musical tastes are varied. We use many different kinds of music during our time together. We love to sing and our beautiful Allen organ makes our music even more wonderful.

Sunday School
Sunday School gathers every Sunday beginning at 9a.m.during the school year. We have a mixed range of ages. Our children’s lessons in Sunday School are built around the lectionary readings for each Sunday. Our class also does projects together that help them to connect with our community, the needs of the world and our call to be God’s hands in the world.